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ICM Alumni Event in Gothenburg

Big thanks to Lisa Rythén Larsson and Vink for hosting yesterday’s ICM Alumni Event in Gothenburg. The event included an interesting panel discussion on “AI Strategy—How will AI affect our business and industry in the upcoming years?” featuring views from our alumni working in different industries, including Therese Werner from Konsert, Hagberg, Jesper from AssaAbloy, and Anna Ajodan from Volvo Group.

It was wonderful to hear about the diversity of innovation activities our alumni are engaged in across many areas of technology, business, and law. The next event is proposed for Stockholm in the fall. Please contact us if you would like to host the event!

Patents in Telecoms and the Internet of Things 2024

CIP Director, Bowman Heiden, recently participated in the Patents in Telecoms and IoT 2024 conference run by Robin Jacob and Lisa Penfold at University College London. Dr. Heiden spoke on the panel about EU SEP Regulation, providing a big-picture view of the role of economics in policy-making, the unique, collectively-ordered private model of SEP licensing, and why the global, collective nature of SEP licensing will likely make the proposed SEP regulation irrelevant in the IoT context.


We would like to thank all the participants for a successful CIP Roundtable 2024, in particular, our speakers Jonas Lindgren and William Mansfield for leading the discussion on IP & Sustainability and Andrew Gaule, Jard van Ingen, and Edward Bray for showing us the state-of-the-art in GenAI applied to business, technology, and IP management. We will have follow-up posts on each of their contributions shortly. Sustainability and GenAI will be the core themes that define the development of CIP activities into 2025, which will mark our 25th anniversary.

We were also happy to welcome the master’s students participating in ICM Advice and the ICM Certificate Program to meet and share their future plans with our CIP partners and advisors. With the pandemic and the changes to the ICM education, we have missed the strong interaction between the students and CIP activities in recent years, so we were excited to be able to gather everyone together this year!

Finally, we discussed CIP’s plans to grow globally through collaboration with new university and industry partners worldwide, building on our close partnership with UC-Berkeley in the U.S.