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Online Webinar, Thursday, June 15, 2023

Industry 4.0: Formal and tacit manufacturing knowledge in technology transfer and intellectual property 

This panel will explore formal and tacit knowledge in technology transfer, manufacturing, and industry 4.0. In a period of increasing trade barriers, can technology transfer benefit both sending and recipient nations? What insights do we gain from history for the present situation, and how should policymakers respond to rapid technology change? What implications does industry 4.0 have for the IP system internationally? 

In collaboration with George Mason University and Arizona State University.

Intellectual Property Awareness Summit 2023

The sixth annual Intellectual Property Awareness Summit® (IPAS 2023) will be held on May 2nd in Boston, in conjunction with Northeastern University’s Center for Research Innovation (CRI).

​IPAS is a gathering of IP owners, creators, educators, lawyers, organizations and investors, all with a common goal – to explore ways to make the benefits of IP rights, and the issues surrounding them, more apparent to people and society.

·  The complimentary virtual registration code for IPAS 2023 on May 2nd for educators and others is VGENL2023.

To register and to find out more, please click here.

Culture & IP: Analogs to IP Around the World

C-IPhas an upcoming conference, “Culture & IP: Analogs to IP Around the World,” which will be held virtually via Zoom on Thursday, April 27, and Friday, April 28.

Cultures influence the development of Intellectual Property systems, and Intellectual Property systems influence how cultures develop. This conference will focus on that interplay through the lens of analogs to Intellectual Property in various cultures. This conference brings together scholars from around the globe to discuss how and whether Intellectual Property systems and their analogs co-exist, influence, and inform each other.

To find out more, please click here.

WIPO-U.S. Summer School on IP

C-IP2 George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School is hosting the exclusive two-week WIPO-U.S. Summer School on Intellectual Property this June 5-16. The Summer School will be held virtually so that they are able to include students who would not otherwise be able to attend, and  to encourage collaboration all over the globe.  

The Summer School program provides an opportunity for students, young professionals, and government officials from all over the world to acquire deeper knowledge of U.S. IP, including an understanding of how IP operates as a tool for economic, social, cultural, and technological development. Program participants are exposed to various aspects of intellectual property rights, including the international nature of IP protection and the interface between IP and other disciplines. 

Additionally, U.S. law students can opt take the course for academic credit!

For more information, please click here.

BIP 2023

Ruud Peters joined Bowman Heiden recently to deliver the first module of the Business of Intellectual Property executive education program at CIP this month for 30 industry participants from our partner firms. The program is focused on building a business mindset and teaching a set of models and tools that ensure IP management is driving business value. Ruud’s extensive board-level commercial experience with IP offers a unique experience to learn from one of the world’s most knowledgeable and entrepreneurial IP executives.

A new series of High-growth technology business forums (HTB Forums) is coming up

Leaders from deep tech businesses will present online their live case studies and discuss them with an international panel of experts. The forums will emphasize the perspective of growth financing, build-to-sell, and IP strategy and management. The one-hour session is followed by an optional meet-the-speakers gathering.

As a valuable supporter of the HTB Community, we would always be glad to see you there. Mark your calendars and register now for this valuable and informative experience:


February webinar on “Patent Holdout and Small(er) Technology Firms” by Bowman Heiden and Matt Rappaport

The new working paper on “Patent Holdout and Small(er) Technology Firms” is now available on SSRN. Please join Matt Rappaport and Bowman Heiden when they present their finding next week at the 4iP Council webinar on Feb 16th at 16.00 CET.

This study investigates the symmetrical theory of patent holdout whereby strong patents asserted in a regime of weak injunctive relief can only extract value below their true worth. The focus of the study is on small(er) technology firms (STFs), which are generally understood as critical to economic growth.

Please register for the webinar here.






Julia Häll and Jennie Ljunggren



Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Hi y’all,

Now it’s our turn to talk about our amazing CiP internship and master thesis work conducted during the spring of 2022 at ASSA ABLOY, a global leader in access solutions. Our names are Julia Häll and Jennie Ljunggren, the unique combination of a lawyer and an engineer creating a new perspective that we like to call “lawineering”.

Well, how did we spend our 6 months at ASSA ABOY?

The main topic of interest was intellectual asset mapping by developing an intellectual asset framework for ASSA ABLOY, to help capture and structure intellectual assets within the firm. The work has been underpinned by the CiP IAM Framework as well as Michelle Fransson and Marta Sadriu’s thesis project regarding data as an intellectual asset.

The rise of intellectual assets comes on the back of the knowledge economy and the increase in the amount of a company’s market value that can be accredited to intangibles. The ongoing march of digitalization around the world further shifts the focus away from tangible assets and traditional industrial manufacturing companies are adopting more digital technologies. There is a lack of comprehension, a knowledge deficiency, and plenty of ambiguity associated with concepts such as intangibles, intellectual capital, intellectual assets, and intellectual property. This creates misunderstandings and increases communication difficulties. The aim of our work has been to assess which intellectual assets contribute to value creation and how these assets can be divided into categories. Furthermore, in relation to the setting of digital transformation, we aimed to investigate if it might have affected the categorization of intellectual assets. Finally, we aimed to investigate how intellectual assets may contribute to value creation through control mechanisms to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.

We have learned an unquantifiable amount about working with IP during this time period, however, the major highlight has been the interaction with knowledgeable business professionals and getting the opportunity to pick their brains.

To wrap this up we would like to give a shout-out to Bowman Heiden, his pragmatic approach to life helped keep us grounded as we went through different cycles of highs and lows. Karla Soler Riba’s efforts to facilitate this internship deserve a special recognition. Finally, we would like to thank all the people at ASSA ABLOY, Michelle Fransson and Marta Sadriu, and Katarina Wendin, the best thesis supervisor out there.

Kind regards,

Julia and Jennie