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David Olsson And Jesper Hagberg

David Olsson and Jesper Hagberg


Company: Sisvel S.L 

Location: Torre Glories, Barcelona 

Time period: Nine weeks from June to August 

Hola! We are David Olsson and Jesper Hagberg. We have spent the summer doing an internship for Sisvel in Barcelona and thought we might share our experience with you. 

Sisvel was founded during the early 80s and is a company specializing in the management of patent pools within the field of standard essential patents. What this means is that Sisvel has many years of experience ensuring that inventors and patent owners within areas such as 5G and Wi-Fi receive royalty payments for their IP. For us, this meant working with and learning from some of the brightest mind within a complex and exciting business area. 

Over the course of the summer, we have gotten to work with a variety of tasks. Perhaps primarily, we carried research used for the preparation of potential legal actions. With both of us coming from an engineering background, this gave us great (and perhaps well-needed) experience in working with technology from a legal perspective. In addition, we were tasked with analysing the 5G patent landscape to see what companies are in the forefront of the development of the standard. 

Having worked here, we understand the importance of regulating the market of standardized technologies. By regulating, it creates an incentive for inventors to create technologies that can be shared and used by everyone. Technologies such as 4G, 5G and Wi-Fi are examples of this. From a licensing agreement the royalty payments will trickle down to the inventors and make their efforts worth. This is all made possible by an administrator such as Sisvel. Organizing these patent pools that were mentioned earlier, will help to create a greater leverage when it comes to negotiating with the potential licensees. Without actors such as Sisvel, there would be significant less contribution within these fields because it would just not be worth the effort! 

A big thank you to CIP and Chalmers School of Entrepreneurship for both the internship and for the educational background needed to do the job. We feel truly privileged to have been given the opportunity to not only work in one of the nicest cities in the world, but at a company at the forefront of a business field so closely related to our studies.