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CIP is committed to participating in the state of development towards diversity and inclusion in the fields of IP, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The goal is to provide:

  1. An in-depth understanding of the current research and practical consequences of diversity and inclusion challenges in technology-intensive sectors
  2. New opportunities for firms to engage in best-practice programs to proactively improve diversity and inclusion activities.

Increasing Diversity in Innovation

Innovators of all types have shaped many aspects of the world throughout the centuries. However, findings by WIPO and leading researchers show some groups remain severely under-represented in many areas of intellectual property use. All of the data suggests that the world has missed out on millions of inventors.

Maintaining a technical and innovative edge is vital for success in the marketplace and for global economic and technological success. For individual companies, more innovation can lead to increased market share, customer acquisition, employee retention, and more. Increasing Diversity in Innovation is the first step in reaching these goals, and the time for action is now.

The Diversity Pledge is a commitment to working to understand and address the issue of underrepresented inventors. The pledge is currently signed by many of the world’s largest companies and innovators.