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Ian Harvey

fm BTG

Ian Harvey was CEO of BTG plc 1985-2004. BTG was the world-leading technology commercialisation company, patenting and licensing globally since the early 1950’s. He is currently: Chairman, IP Center Advisory Board, Tsinghua x-lab; Adjunct Professor, Imperial College Business School.

After engineering at Cambridge, he was with Vickers and then Laporte Industries in the civil, aerospace and chemical industries. After a Harvard MBA, he had several roles with the World Bank in Asia and Africa. He chaired the Intellectual Property Institute 1999-2011.

He has long been a student of the history and trends of global invention, technology development and the related role of IP. He has written many articles and book chapters and lectures widely on global intellectual property and technology issues, particularly as they relate to business. He is currently involved with the development of intellectual property in China and pressing for the teaching of intellectual property as part of strategy in business school programmes worldwide.