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Masterclass – Navigating A Historic Year For IP

Masterclass – Navigating a historic year for IP

Bowman Heiden is one of the speakers at a webinar focusing on Innovation, how we protect it, and the reasons why are evolving rapidly.

As the industry looks to the new year, 2024 promises to be a turning point in IP history as several unique factors across business, technology, and the workforce converge. And with transformation, comes opportunity — the opportunity for the IP leaders of today to define tomorrow: what this profession will look like and how it will operate in this new era.

During this webinar, panelists will explore:

• Why 2024 will be a pivotal turning point for the IP profession and the factors propelling that change

• Meaningful and actionable suggestions IP leaders may consider to navigate the changing world of IP management The continued importance of innovation protection, plus ways IP can deliver even more value to their businesses going forward.

More info and registration here.