Upcoming seminar by IPR University Center “SEPs – what should the EU do?”
Bowman Heiden, Jorge L. Contreras, Steve Faraji, Sonja London, and Matthias Zigann will be speaking at the upcoming seminar by IPR University Center “SEPs – what should the EU do?”
How should the EU facilitate the licensing of SEPs? This seminar addresses the challenges that SEP licensing currently faces in the EU and beyond and the means by which the EU could seek to resolve the issues through its policy actions. It evaluates the current initiatives put forward and considers how the European Commission, national courts and the CJEU can facilitate the licensing of SEPs in a way that secures innovators incentives to innovate and effective access to SEPs by implementers.
17.00 – 17.05 Opening of the seminar
17.05 – 17.25 A Policy Governance Framework for SEP Licensing – Private vs. Public Ordering
Co-Director Bowman Heiden, Center for Intellectual Property, CIP
17.25 – 17.45 Anti-suit injunctions
Professor Jorge L. Contreras ,University of Utah
17.45 – 17.55 Break
17.55 – 18.15 Approach of German courts
Presiding Judge Dr. Matthias Zigann,Regional Court of Munich I
18.15 – 18.35 Prepared comments to all three presentations
Licensing Executive Sonja London, Nokia
Chief IPR Policy Manager Steve Faraji, AUDI
Presenters’ responses
Questions and comments from the audience and replies of presenters
19.00 Closing of the seminar